Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

We all know that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and there are lots of embroidery designs for this cause, but did you also know that it's Domestic Violence Awareness Month too? According to the National Network to End Domestic Violence & Domestic Violence Statistics, a woman in the US is assaulted or beaten every 15 seconds; around the world, at least one in every three women has been abused during her lifetime and it is the leading cause of injury to women. 

So why have I created Domestic Violence Awareness designs? The answer is simple. Someone I care about is in an abusive relationship. While I can't make her leave the current situation, I can let her know that I'm here, that she's not alone, that I'm willing to help and offer resources and that because her life matters, I'm not going to be silent about it. 

While some of the designs in this set are specifically for Domestic Violence Awareness, this 25 piece set does include designs that by changing the colors, are suitable for other causes. Just like cancer, domestic violence knows no boundaries and this is just my way of bringing awareness and saying that flowers do not make it better...

The FSL ribbons in this set could be stitched out and given to those in shelters as a way to offer hope. The filled designs would be great for creating quilts, wall hanging and t-shirts for fund raising events. Perfect for those who work in the social work field such as mediators and counselors and even for DV survivors who want to speak out! Don't forget medical personnel too!
25 designs total.
There's a sample for everyone to download when they visit.
As always...

Happy Stitching!


The Country Needle®

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