Roses are red
Violets are blue
Roscoe & Ruby
Say I love you!
While these little fuzzy bunnies are great for Valentine's Day projects such as cards and little tote bags filled with candy hearts, they're great for showing the love all year round on baby quilts, bibs, overalls and pockets too!
The textured stitching give Roscoe and Ruby a realistic furry feel that you just can't help but touch! Don't forget to download the sample when you visit.
Have a wonderful, creative weekend and as always...
Happy Stitching!
Roscoe & Ruby Valentines Sale: $11.98 Save: 25% off 6 Filled & Redwork designs in 4x4 & 5x7 Bonus 4x4 heart-rose in filled & redwork for you to download too! 26 designs total |